Correlation Ratio
Correlation ratio (corr indicator) measures the most recent price movement against price movement in the same period in the historical data.It compares price move in last few price bars defined by the parameter “corrLen” against the historical data and plots the correlation ratio.
$0.00Correlation Ratio
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Moving Average Sample Expert Adviser – Server Side
Moving Average Sample Expert Adviser is a server side VTL expert Adviser. The EA opens Buy position when price close above a 12 period moving average displaced by 6 bars. It closes Buy position and open sell position when the price close below the displaced moving average. The position size is two percent of the capital available.
When a buy signal comes, the EA checks if there is an open Buy position and if it finds an open Buy position then it avoids pyramiding trades. If there is no open buy position it open a new buy position. Thus it avoids opening multiple positions in the same direction. It w
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Qualified RSI – Server Side Expert Adviser
Qualified RSI is a VertexFX Server Side VTL Expert Adviser. It is based on the Relative Strength Indicator, RSI. VertexFX uses the RSI to identify over bought and over sold market conditions and open counter trend trades. RSI remaining at higher levels indicate overbought market conditions. RSI remaining below 45 level indicates oversold market conditions. The EA examines this situation and open counter trend trades. The trading system rules are:
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Bunny Cross – Server Side EA
Bunny Cross EA is a Server Side VertexFX Expert Adviser. Bunny cross is based on moving average crossover or one moving average touch second moving average and reverse.
When a crossover or touch and reverse happens, the EA opens positions in accordance with the trend direction.
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Forex Profit System – Server Side Expert Adviser
Forex Profit System is a Server Side VertexFX Expert Adviser. The EA is based on three exponential moving averages , and parabolic stop and reverse indicator.
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Weighted ATR (WATR)
Weighted ATR (WATR) is a client side VTL Indicator. WATR is an improvement of the Average True Range (ATR) indicator.
It smooths the ATR calculation by applying a weighting factor to the calculations. WATR indicator is plotted as a trailing stoploss line on chart by adding or subtracting the WATR value to recent price high or low.
$0.00Weighted ATR (WATR)
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Real Value Indicator
Real Value Indicator is a VertexFX Client Side VTL indicator. It is similar to moving averages, and shows the real market movement.
It does not respond as quickly as moving averages does to price spikes and rapid price movements. Thus Real Value Indicator eliminates many whipsaws associated with moving average cross over strategies. It is a good trend following indicator for overall market trend. The red line plotted on chart is the real value indicator. It similar to a moving average. However it is more reliable as it captures the trend more effectively filtering false price moves.
$0.00Real Value Indicator
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Parabolic SAR Color With Alert
Parabolic SAR Colored With Alert is a Client Side VTL Alert. It is an improvement over the standard parabolic stop and reverse indicator.
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NTR Reverse – Client Side Expert Adviser
NTR Reverse is VertexFX client side VTL Expert Adviser. NTR Reverse EA is based on trading range breakout strategy. The breakout range is calculated as the trading range of the most recent bars, determined by the parameter “per”. Default value for trading range is 3 bars. The EA avoids choppy breakouts by applying a ATR or fixed pips based filter to the breakout level. When the high of the trading range is broken upward, a buy position is opened. When the low of the trading range is broken, a sell position is opened.
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EMA 5 8 Crossover Alert
EMA 5 8 Crossover Alert is a VertexFX client side VTL Alert. It uses two short term moving averages to alert short term trend changes. The fast moving average is of five period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the second Moving Average (MA) is an eight period Exponential Moving Average (EMA).
When the fast EMA cross above the medium EMA, buy alert is triggered and when fast EMA cross below the medium term EMA, sell alert is triggered.
$0.00EMA 5 8 Crossover Alert
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Digital CCI Filter – Client Side Indicator
Digital CCI filter, Digital CCI filter VrtexFX, Digital CCI filter VTL , Digital CCI filter VertexFXDigital CCI filter, Digital CCI filter VertexFX Indicator, Digital CCI filter Vertex, Digital CCI filter VTL, Digital CCI filter VertexFX LAnguage , Digital CCI filter Vertex FX
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Three SMA Cross Over – Client Side Expert Adviser
Three SMA Cross Over is a client side vertexFX expert Adviser. The EA is based on three simple moving averages, fast, medium and slow. The EA open buy positions in a medium term up trend and sell position in a medium term down trend.
The trend direction is determined by the slow and medium term moving averages. When medium term SMA is above slow SMA, the trend direction is up and and when the medium term SMA is below slow SMA, the trend direction is down.